to Strengthen
Partnership coaching offers an opportunity for business partners to work effectively together and build a business or department that works for all involved.
We develop unified goals, define clear roles and create a supportive environment for communicating. Business parters report a new sense of commitment to the business and to each other.
We resolve business issues, improve leadership skills, practice the art of acknowledgement and turn different personality styles into assets.
Partnership coaching is ideal for business partners, co-leaders of departments and joint managers.
Clients Say
“Teri is an adept communicator. By asking positive questions, she’s helped us value each other, air important issues, and determine what we need to make our relationship even more effective."
— Zev Grossman, Financial Advisor
“Co-leading a department was a huge challenge. My partner and I had very different styles. Thanks to Teri, I learned how to communicate openly, work as a team and use our varied styles to our advantage. Even though I was the only one coached in our partnership, my partner benefited as well."
— M Mauer, Former VP, SONY Music
“Thanks to coaching with Teri, my partner and I have newfound respect for each other, a unified vision and are comfortably asking for what we need. We loved having a skilled business advisor to strategize with."
— Mary Knight, AXA Advisors